
As a library, we make an effort to arm ourselves and our patrons with a variety of informational resources to improve their knowledge. This page contains both various research databases and local information centers:

North Chicago Public Library Document Resource Library Link: North Chicago Public Library Document Resource Library Link

Library Catalogs

Our Adult Catalog and Children Catalog gives a full listing of our books, DVDs, Audio CD’s, and reference books that we have.
Worldcat – Worldcat is another great resource when looking for an item and has their Amazon listing price, ISBN, or other local libraries that may have it.

Community Links

Employment Resources

Health Resources

Local Information


Upcoming Events

  • Aug
    Explore and Play with Sensory Activities
    10:30 am
  • Aug
    Healthy Living Class for Seniors
    01:00 pm
  • Aug
    Device Help
    10:00 am
  • Jul
    Movie Morning
    10:00 am
  • Jul
    Gaming Days Grades 6-12
    04:00 pm
  • Jul
    End of Summer Reading Kids' Cookout!
    01:00 pm
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